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[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Above: The Skookum iron meteorite, originally known as Klondike (Skookum Gulch),
one of two irons recovered from placer gold operations in the early 20th century. This
15.88-kg flattened mass of type IVB ataxite was found in 1905. Photo from the fine
monograph by Johnson (1915). Below: photomicrograph in plane-polarized reflected
light of the Dresden (Ontario) H6 chondrite, a well-documented fall on 11 July 1939. A
bright nickel-iron metal vein (kamacite plus taenite) cuts the rim of a barred olivine
chondrule. There are abundant kamacite and darker iron sulphide (troilite) grains in the
groundmass. Field of view ~2 mm (Wilson, 2004).